The killing continues in Taiji this week.
Last Thursday two separate pods of Pan Tropic Spotted dolphins, 47-49 total, were corralled 15 miles into the cove. A total of 9 were taken captive: 4 went to the Taiji Dolphin Base and Dolphin Resort and the other 5 went to harbor sea pens. Only 3 of these survived and the other 2 were taken to the butcherhouse along with the other 36-38. Thrashing and screaming, the video footage is now archived at
Friday through Sunday, there were no new pods brought in. Instead of hunting, the dolphin killers assisted with the transfer of the 90 dolphins that were in sea pens waiting for their journey to captivity and built additional sea pens to hold more captive animals.
Monday, a large pod of 100-110 Striped dolphins were herded into the cove. 80-90 were slaughtered one by one while the remaining members of the pod swam in their blood awaiting their turn. HORRIFIC! Twenty of these were driven back out to sea, although their chance of survival is slim due to the stress they endured.
Yesterday a pod of 17 Risso dolphins were netted into the cove. One drowned in the net before being noticed while the others were slaughtered.
Thankfully, today the boats remained in shore. BLUE COVE DAY!
If any of you live in the Jacksonville area, Sea Shepherd is showing "Eco-Pirate: The Story of Paul Watson" on Saturday night. For more info, CLICK HERE
For anyone who is a fan of Paul, please consider signing this petition to help keep him safe. Paul is the founder of Sea Shepherd and currently has 2 Interpol Red Notices against him: One in Costa Rica and one in Japan. These notices are politically motivated. Paul is currently on board with the latest campaign in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary fighting Japanese whalers while filming the next season of Whale Wars. This petition is requesting that the US not extradite him. You do not have to be a US citizen to sign but you do need to complete a quick registration procedure. You can find the petition HERE
If you live in the Miami area, check out the BLACKFISH screenings at Miami Film Festival March 3 and 10. CLICK HERE for more details. Tickets are now available.
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I despair of the human race at the best of times, but this ... too horrific for words.