Monday, October 29, 2012


I'm an advocate at heart both in my professional and personal life and I've always been fascinated with Whales and Dolphins.  For the past couple months, I've had a Whale/Dolphin Wednesday theme on my other blog, Random Interruptions.  I've come to realize that there is too much going on in the industry to only post on these issues once a week.  For that reason, I have started this blog.

I will post as often as possible to bring all the current news of the captive whale industry, whale and dolphin hunts around the world, and other news in our world's oceans.  I hope you join me to fight against the captivity and killing of these intelligent creatures.

This blog will include updates from the current importation issue of beluga whales from Russia to the Georgia Aquarium, the dolphin hunts in Taiji and the ongoing advocacy to release several orcas back into the wild from captivity including Lolita, Morgan and Tilly.

You can also join me my "liking" my facebook page at

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